Please find my resume here.

2012 - 2019: Master in Computer Science
KU Leuven, Belgium
I obtained my Bachelor’s degree in Engineering Science at the KU Leuven university, with major Computer Science and minor Electrical Engineering.
Subsequently, I obtained my Master’s degree in Engineering: Computer Science with option Artificial Intelligence. I took special interest in courses regarding Programming Language Theory and Formal Systems.
2018 - 2019: Master's Thesis
Under supervision of Prof. Dr. Ir. Tom Schrijvers
Eff is an experimental functional programming language that considers computational side effects as algebraic operations or effects and captures them with effect handlers.
Eff is compiled to OCaml via the internal calculi ImpEff and ExEff. To make the compiled code run as fast as possible, optimizations were made to ExEff.
This Master’s thesis maps the optimizations in ExEff, adds some new optimizations, and proposes the preservation of type for the optimizations. In addition, the Master’s thesis attempts to evaluate the performance of the generated code compared to non-optimized code.

2019 - 2022: Backend Haskell Developer
CentralApp, Brussels, Belgium
CentralApp is a startup that takes care of the online presence local businesses. We provide a platform that generates a custom website for businesses based on their style preferences and business specifics. We make sure that their clients can find them online by improving SEO, and synchronizing the business data with service providers like Google and Facebook.

2023 - present: Full-stack Haskell Developer
PRODA, London, United Kingdom
PRODA automates rent roll data processing and reporting.